Online Magazines for Students

American Girl: A Fun for Girls MagazIne

Children's Web Magazine: A fun informative monthly online magazine for children. It seeks to have different subjects each month - for kids of 8 years and upwards

CyberKids: The mission of Cyberkids is to provide a voice for young people on the Internet. We accomplish this by publishing original creative work by kids ages 7 to 12. Hidden Pictures, Fun Finder, Games and Giggles, Story Soup, and MORE

Smithsonian: Fun on-line Stuff for Kids: Articles and interactive activities

National Geographic Kids: Videos, activities, games, and stories

Owl Kids: Three fun magazines for kids 8 and up: Chirp, Chickadee, and Owl Magazines

Sports Illustrated for Kids

Stone Soup: Unique among children's magazines - it's the only magazine made up entirely of the creative work of children. Young people ages 8 to 13 contribute their stories, poems, book reviews, and artwork to Stone Soup. Since 1973, Stone Soup has provided inspiration to young writers and artists all over the world.

Remember to bookmark and return to KID INFO often! KID INFO saves you "valuable time" and allows you to spend "quality time" by eliminating the chore of sifting through hundreds of search engine results!'s Magazines Resource Page includes the best available online magazines for students, including Girl Magazines, Teen Magazines, and Science Magazines , News magazines, History Magazines, Geography Magazines, World magazines, Sports Magazines, and Arts and Crafts for Kids.

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